Auto Insurance Claims: Professional Liab ( E & o ), artice, liab

Starting(going out on own) to represent or get the name of a client in front of the public for Music, Acting, Writers(Authors), etc to have their photo and short Bio/current project to appear in Newspapers, Magazines. for example just got reporter from NY Times & Fachion Editor of Glamour to run an artice(that they write) on a one woman show. What type or code to I refer to to obtain a quote. Who might handle this type coverage. Thanks

I always say start out with the carrier that you have your personal insurance with.  The majority of the companies now will be able to help you.  When you call your current carrier tell them that you need Professional Liability for a new venture.  When you are talking to them advise them that you also need Errors and Omissions coverage as well.  However, the publications that will run the story will also have the Errors and Omissions coverage.
I hope that everything goes well for you!