Auto Insurance Claims: medical settlement, auto insurance claim, help insurance

Hi, I was in an accident november 07, at other driver fault.Vehicle damages almost 9000.00 to repair. my wife and I went for chiropractic care, My wife had 22 visits and I had 28 visits. I would like to see if I can get an Idea on how much for settlement. I don't want to be undercut, but don't want to expect too much either, would appreciate any help. Insurance company at fault is State farm, I live in Alabama!
                            thanks, James


Well, this is very hard to determine. There are soo many variables that come into play that any answer I give you would be inaccurate.

Many things come into play, what do the medical records say, do you have any permanent injuries, are you back to pre accident condition. Are juries in your jurisdiction willing to give you more than in other states, do you have a lawyer, do you have pre existing injuries, etc.


for more information about the claim you can make and how to document them. Soo many times, you are not awarded certain damages because you do not ask for them.

Again, I am sorry for not giving you an straight answer, if I do I would probably be incorrect.

Good Luck,