Auto Insurance Claims: Accident in parking lot, insurance company, two cars

I am so upset I can barely type this.  Several weeks ago some people hit my parked car at a community center parking lot (with me in it).  I had just arrived, parked my car and was getting ready to exit my vehicle when these people backed into me.  We were the only two cars in the whole parking lot and this guy managed not to see me.  So his car had a broken tale light and I had no damage.  I just got a letter by his insurance company stating that I am liable and that they will pursue damages from me if my insurance company does not pay for it.  
Clearly this is not right.  Do these dishonest scum-buckets actually have a chance to get money from me or my insurance?  I don’t think my insurance will pay it since I was not driving my vehicle, or at fault.  What should I do to protect myself?  

Hi Lloyd,

You should let your insurance company handle this. You should report this to your insurance company, provide them a statement of what happened. If you receive any letters from the other people, an attorney or their insurance company, you need to immediately provide it to your insurance company. If sounds like these people are just tring a money grab. Tell your insurance company not to pay anything.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh