Auto Insurance Claims: Personal injury getting bashed by doctors and insurance comapnies, insurance comapnies, tort system

I was a full time student and working fulltime to support college finishing my last year when I was rear ended by some lady who sped through a light because she was late for work. She smashed me doing at least 70 kilometres and hour. It has been a year since I barely graduated college..I havent worked since been scammed by these pepole every which way...received several injuries still cant sleep cant workout have been doing pysio since very depressed tired all the time..nausea vommitting still..alcoholism...cant evenn hold my brand new babyboy due to pain...and they keep cutting off my housekeeping...`alwasy holding checks they did pay me a dime for 6 months no work...they wont pay for my mris ...they keep sending me to rude asshole doctors who try to verball y abuse you and ignore everything you say and try to force you do stuff that hurts you...Making evrything worse.. At the same time fighting lazy doctors who just want to give you pills because they dont want to look for the problems...Why did I pay insurance since I was 16 which started at 375.00 a month till now when this company is slowly trying to kill me and my family as if the pain alone is not bad enough..What can I do..What is going to happen if I fucked the rest of my life and they dont do anything...

Hi Hurt Young Man 23,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. had many badly injured bclients like you in the past 29 years, so I have a little understanding of the frustration you are experiencing.   The truth of it is that there is no real help in the insurance-controlled tort system unless you fight for it.  At my website we teach victims how to make a complete insurance settlement http://www.SettlementCentral.Com  of personal injury claims.  But in your case, I am going to discourage you from trying to do anything yourself in this.  

There are two reasons why I want you to see a competent attorney as soon as possible.  First, your situation is complex with some apparent missed opportunities to get you some better help.  You should not have to suffer with lapsed or incompetent medical care.  At least not in America.  Is the use of “km” a sign you are in the UK or Canada?  If so, I feel for you inasmuch as the long grey line of rationed health care leaves few choices compared to what is available here.

Second is that you need some real support.  A good attorney can give you guidance through the system so that you obtain the best services and help.  Plus, she is somebody to talk to and her staff will have helpful suggestions based upon the problems they have seen past clients suffer through.

Based upon your descriptions of the botched care, you have serious and possibly long term injuries.  Plus, the frustration and pain are causing depression to set in.  In addition to finding the attorney, if you have the medical coverage via the auto accident or via your own doctors referrals or via your own health care system, I WANT YOU TO GET TO A PSYCHOLOGIST ASAP.  A counselor or social worker is minimally OK, but a real psychologist is best for you right now.  Reason being: he can help to get you through this process in better healing light.

Also, consider reading something uplifting.  Pick any site that has positive messages and read it EACH DAY.  Here is what came up just now when I searched online for “positive daily messages”:

If you do not like the spiritual part, ignore it, or find something else positive and read it twice each day: at the start and just before bed.

BTW, perhaps of interest, while on that site, I noticed this story from a guy I saw on Larry King once:

Next, as for your claim, make sure that you DO ACT AS REQUIRED to preserve your claim from being barred by the statute of limitations

If you cannot find an attorney in your area or if you have any further problems or if you just want someone to talk to, then by all means write to me again.  Mark your answer for “private” so we can get into some details if you would like.  

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)