QuestionI recenty got into an accident with a friends car. I know that as the owner, they use his insurance to cover the cost. Ive tried everything to take responsibility. But no luck.
Is there anything I can do to make my insurance pay for it?
And if in the case his insurance does have to pay for it, will his rates rise even though I was the driver and im not under his policy?
Would I be better off trying to get an estimate myself and pull out a loan and pay for the damage?
AnswerHi Raoul,
It's very commendable of you to want to take financial responsibility for the accident, but that is neither prudent or necessary.
It is normal and standard in all states that the insurance follows the car. Therefore, the owner's policy must be the one that pays.
Your friend would have carried a deductible on his collision coverage, so it would be a good gesture on your part to offer to reimburse the deductible to your friend.
I can make no guarantees, but it is NOT normal for an insurance company to increase someone's rate in cases where the driver was not a resident of the household. I would not expect your friend to have any problems due to your accident.
I hope this has been of help. Please write again if you feel that I can be of more assistance.
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San Francisco Bay Area