Auto Insurance Claims: car insurance companys claim invistigation taking long time, fault the police, car insurance company

4 week ago, a van hit my driver side when it changed to my straight lane from its original left turn lane at an intersection. Since no one got hurt, the 911 operator told us to leave the site and park aside to allow traffic flow during rush hour. The police came and helped to exchange information. However, the police did not write a report due to small amount of property damage. When I asked if the other driver was fault, the police relied yes.

So, I filed a claim to the van's insurance company AIG. AIG sent an appraiser to check my car in a few days. I had called AIG daily and the adjuster kept saying that they had hard time to contact the driver due to many reasons. They got the owner but could not get the driver to make a statement. Now it has been almost 4 weeks and AIG kept telling me that they could not get the driver.

Can you advise what I can do in this situation?

Hi yaojun-

If the other driver continues to be uncooperative he will most likely be considered at fault.  
You should report it to your insurance company as well.  They may pay the claim and then work with the other company on your behalf.  
Keep a disposable camera in your glovebox for times like this and always try to get a witness that you can contact later.  Many times after the accident, the at fault driver will change their story.
Let me know if I can be of more help.

[email protected]