Auto Insurance Claims: Subrogation, medical insurance companies, umbrella policies
QuestionMy husband was in a motorcycle accident five years ago. The driver admitted fault... His insurance policy was the lowest amount payable due to his high risk past history... He was driving his parents vehicle his parents signed a waver stating he would not drive their vehicle due to his high risk... my first question is do you think we will be able to recover money from the parents insurance? My second question is my medical insurance paid all of my husbands claims we signed a subrogation letter my husbands medical bills are way over what our attorney anticipates we will receive from under insured and the drivers ins policy. How likely are medical insurance companies to take less than what they are owed? My husband is disabled due to this accident he will never work again due to some idiot who took his eyes off the road for a second and due to Pennsylvania law allowing these high risk idiots to have a minimum ins policy that will not even cover the ER visit. We do not want to get rich off this we just want want is rightly ours loss of wages and medical expenses paid... however it appears my husband will not recd anything for his loss of wages (for the rest of his life) or an adequate ant to cover his medical bills.....
Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated.
AnswerHi Lori
Wow, my heart goes out to you and your husband. As an insurance agent, this is part of why I don't insure anyone for less than 100,000 per person - not only to protect the insured's assets and future income but to be able to feel good about compensating the injured person as well. Most of my clients have umbrella policies to extend liability by another million as well. It seems in this case that your attorney would go after the driver and the parents to see if they can win a judgement and seize assets and even see if you can get wages garnished. Maybe there's just not much there, I don't know.
I don't think you are going to get anything from the other insurance company. If he was excluded it pretty much takes the insurance company off of the hook - but your attorney has more expertise on this than me.
How much was your underinsured limit? It's too bad you didn't that maxed out. Most people don't realize that would even pay lost wages as well. With Farmers (the company I represent you can even add Uninsured motorist to your umbrella policy and extend it by another 1 million dollars. After hearing your story, I can definitely see the value of that even more now. I'm sorry I wasn't there to advise you before this happened.
I'm sorry I don't really have any expertise on the health insurance issue. Maybe your attorney could answer that question better.