Auto Insurance Claims: question, bodily injury liability, wage garnishment

A man in a truck tried to get in front of me while I was changing lanes and his trailer grabbed a hold of my front bumper while he has passing me and pulled my front bumper out. I called the police and the man told the police he was not driving (because he doesn’t have a driers license) his friend was driving, now they are suing me saying they got hurt. I only have liability I can’t afford anything else. My question is what can I do to not only prove I didn’t hit him but also that he didn’t get hurt? Thank You!

Hi Jamie-

The insurance company is going to look at both cars and take a statement from both of you if they haven't already and then look at the police report and determine who is at fault.  Your liability insurance is going to fight the injury claim and if they have enough evidence to support the injury, they will pay up to your policy limits.

 That's why proper liability limits are so important.  The cost between $15,000/30,000 and $100,000/$300,000 bodily injury liability is usually fairly small but it could keep you from paying $270,000 out of your assets and future income (potential wage garnishment) if you are involved in a serious accident and you are found at fault.

Let me know if I can be of more help.