Auto Insurance Claims: Didnt report new car to insurance company, help!!!, purchase paperwork, car lot
QuestionI was just in an accident and i just got my car 12 days ago. My grandmother cosigned for my car and they told us that one of us had to have insurance before we left the lot. She has insurance so they gave us the car. We didn't know that we had to report it in to the insurance company because the car lot hasn't finshed all of our paper work yet. They have been going from bank to bank for financing when they told us that we were already approved. and we signed paper work for everything. Will her insurnce company still pay for the damage? We gave the car lot a copy of her insurance so we thought they had reported the car. What should we do? Do you think the insurance company will pay for the car?
AnswerHi Tameka,
If the car was in your grandmothers name, then she may have coverage. In most cases, you have 30 days to report a newly aquired vehicle to your insurance company during which time you are covered for the same coverage you have on your existing policy. So if your grand mother had full coverage on her current police then she should have full coverage on the newly purchased policy.
You will have to report the claim to her insurance company and then they will tell you if it is covered. You will have to provide them with copies of the purchase paperwork to prove when the vehicle was purchased.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh