Auto Insurance Claims: permissive use, reputable insurance companies, new insurance
QuestionI have full coverage on my car, I was feeling sick and asked a friend to drive. My friend does not live with me, and is not listed on my policy. We were rear-ended on the highway during rush hour and my insurance company is telling me that they cannot help me with the collision costs due to the fact that I was not driving. The accident happend about a month ago and nothing has been done for me by either my insurance company or the one representing the woman who hit us. The liable insurance company has a limit of $5,000 and I will only be recieving a portion of that because there ended up being a total of 5 cars involved. Is it possible that even though I had full coverage, I won't be compensated for the loss of my car by Anchor General? I am with Anchor General Insurance and I live in California. Thank you.
AnswerHi Jennifer-
Most reputable insurance companies would cover you under uninsured/underinsured motorist even if you were not the driver. Although I have seen restrictions for permissive drivers on some of the smaller companies. You should find your declaration page and read it carefully. If you would like me to take a look at it, you can fax it to me at 916 536-9981. Regardless your insurance company should be going after the other driver and walking you through the process.
Under California insurance law, the insurance follows the car. Your insurance would be primary and your freinds insurance (the driver) would be secondary. So that's another option if he has insurance.
It sounds like you really need a new insurance company and a personal agent that can help you in times like this. Send me an e-mail with what part of California you are in and let me see if I can help.
Sheldon Maughan
[email protected]
916 698-2796 Mobile