Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Accident, right leg numbness, muscle spasm

I was involved in a MVA Jan, 2007. I seeked treatment 36 hours after accident. I had complaints of right forearm, hand, neck and back pain that increased in intensity the following day. My initial X Rays were negative. However, I developed parathesias on my right side, radiating pain on the right side, and my hand and right side of my body was substantially weaker than my left side. I developed ice pick headaches, muscle spasm and right leg numbness along with increased pain. I was also diagnosed with cervical & lumbar radioculpathy. Finally due to my symptoms I was given a MRI that showed bulging discs at c5-6 and c6-7. In my lumbar spine showed DJD and bulging discs at: l3-4,l-4,l5-si and in my thoracic spine t-11. There was stenosis present as well.(No prior c/o discs problems. In fact I have a unremarkable medical history) The steady pain while in any other position but laying completely flat has caused me a diminished lifestyle. My medical specials are $23,000 and lost wages $37,000 Other out of pocket expenses are $10,000. Can you give me any advice on what a fair offer would be? Additionally, my meds are: Lidocaine pain patch, neurontin, vikoden, percocet, celebrex, methocarbamol, flexeril, naproxen and due to depression regarding my current physical condition and lack of resources, prozac. I have been treating on a monthly basis since the accident, and have had 20 chiropractor visits that only increased pain and parathesias so I discontinued treatment.

Thank you in advance for your response.

Hi Charity,

From the sound of your question it almost sounds like you were reading from an attornys claim demand letter.

Generally, these type of claims will settle for 3 to 5 times the medical specials plus the lost wages. You should expect that the insurance company will make you very low-ball offers. It will be a negotiated settlement that may take several months to achieve.

If you have difficulty dealing with the insurance adjuster or are not receiving fair offers, you may want to consider hiring an attorney to handle the claim for you. That way you can concentrate on getting better.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh