QuestionHello…from Los Angeles, California.
First off, thanks in advance. I appreciate the assistance.
I was involved in a complicated automotive accident on 10/24/07 and the ball has just started to roll…
I was driving around 11:30PM on a 55MPH 3-lane freeway at 60-65 (I told the officer) and noticed yellow flashing lights on top of an SUV-like vehicle 1 football field away. I could not distinguish it being on the freeway or residential because a fence and 3ft high concrete barricades are all that separate the freeway vs. homes. It was at a turn also…
A vehicle had entered the turn 75 yards ahead of me and no explosions, collision noise, fires, no sign of drama, etc… so I figured all is well and proceeded at my speed.
When I approached, I realized the SUV (public security vehicle) with yellow flashing lights was actually parked on the highway in the right (#1) lane. By the way, there is no shoulder on this freeway. Now, I am thinking what? As I proceed, I see a car with no lights on, hazards off, etc… perpendicular on the highway, blocking lanes #1 and #2 (right and middle) and the car that was 75 yards away from me in lane #3 (left) rubber necking at under 15MPH (estimated).
I downshifted and slammed on my brakes only to collide with the car and force him up the concrete barricades. Here is where my heart drops… As I exited my vehicle, I realized the vehicle I collided with struck the SUV driver (security officer). He was trying to secure the situation and was wondering between the barricade and fence.
I received a legal notice today in pursuant of 17150 and 17151 (property and injury)… My insurance covers $50,000 person / $100,000 occurrence. Unfortunately, the security officer lost a leg (per C.H.P.) also. I am making car payments and living in an apartment. I have no assets whatsoever. I am worried they will garnish my wages for the rest of my life because the bill might exceed $200,000. Any advice on them placing a LIEN on my wages? Can I declare bankruptcy if this occurs? Thanks, again~!
AnswerHi David,
I'm sorry this situation occured.
Unfortunately, the questions you are asking are legal questions and not insurance related questions. You should seek the advice of an attorney in California. They will be specifically knowledgable of your state laws, and the ability to garnish wages.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh