Auto Insurance Claims: Hit by a car while walking on the sidewalk. Getting no money., case interview, insurance company
QuestionIn the afternoon, I was walking to work and a car drove up on the sidewalk and through me up in the air. All I know is that the muscles from my neck to my back are swelled. I am going to get needles for acupuncture so it will reduce the swelling. The doctors want this done so they can figure out what is wrong with me. I can not go to work because of my injuries. I have been getting calls from the insurance company and they have been saying that they won't be giving me any money for this. I think these people are trying to scam me or it is a fake caller. Who is responsible for this accident? How will I get money for this and what do I do?
AnswerHi Ryan,
First let me say that I am sorry you are going through this.
You need to get a lawyer right away. Do not wait even one more day. Start calling lawyers and explain your case. Interview at least 3 before you decide which one to sign up with. The lawyer can advise you how and where to seek medical attention and may be able to work a deal that the doctors do not get paid until your case is settled.
The only way that the insurance company could get out of paying for your injuries is either if the driver was experiencing a medical emergency therefore he would not be responsible, or if the vehicle was stolen therefore the owner would not be responsible.
But you need to get to a lawyer who can start to research what happened and on what basis the insurance company is denying your claim.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh