QuestionOkay so how many characters? But really , thanks for reading my question.
First I guess I'll explain the scenario as best I can
Im a 23 yr. old un-married male, and I live with my parents, which has enabled me to be covered on their auto-insurance ploicy. I own*ed my car and (through my folks) purchased collision isurance due to a pre-dating loan. Well, Last night I was speeding criminally when I lost control, flipped the car over and impailed it on a telephone pole.needless to say it was a mess and I'm "Lucky" as I sustained no present injury. And I was in the only vehile involved.
I guess my question is retorical in the sense that I would really just love some peice of mind...
In the case that I will be prosecuted for OBVIOUS neglegence (driving to endanger, class E crime) Am I entitled still to a settlement from the insurance agency, for the loss of my vehicle? (hence the costly premiums right???)
I could throw in a few other variables for you like being taken to jail and breatalized (no oui) but I don't have the accident report yet so I relly don't know what hes going to say.
I guess Im just asking you for some prespective or fore-site into possible issues I might face before I start calling the dreaded 1-800 numbers
any additional advice that is relevent would be greatly appreciated as well.
Thanks again
Answerhi Aaron,
The only things that void your coverage is intentional damage and damage caused while in the commission of a crime.
So, no need to worry, your insurance company will negotiate a fair market value settlement for your car and pay for the damaged telephone pole.
I don't recognize the wording of the citation, it sounds 'east coast' for what we would call Reckless Driving in California.
That type citation usually carries the same fine as an OUI and the same penalty on your next insurance policy plus a penalty for a fault loss.
In most states, getting an attorney for an OUI or reckless driving is just a waste of time and adds about $2,000 to your costs. These are not usually cases that the court is willing to reduce or 'plea bargain' on. You can make a better decision after you get a copy of the police report and receive the citation in the mail.
I hope this has been of help, please write again if I can be of more assistance.
Your feedback by rating my answer will be appreciated.
San Francisco Bay Area 11-27-07 1:19 PM PST