Auto Insurance Claims: Victum in a DUI accident, dui accident, insurance company
I was in an accident where the driver who was drivng me home was drunk and he recked his jeep and my arm was treated for multiple cuts around it. 24 stitches in total. i have really bad scarring that is noticable to anyone. the insurance company offered me 8,000 for the damage, but i feel my damge is worth a lot more. my lawyer thinks 20,000 can be won, but i really dont want to go to court over this. my question to you is: how much do you think the insurance company is willing to give? i asked for 15,000 but they said no way... are they bluffing?
AnswerHi Chris,
With 24 stitches and significant scaring, you should be seeking between $15,000 and $20,000. The insurance company will try to low ball you. You just have to be patient. Listen to your lawyer. If it has to go to court then that is just what has to happen. An extra 10k to 12k is certainly worth a day in court.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh