Auto Insurance Claims: Hit improperly parked car, orange cones, 4x4 truck

I read a response you wrote to another individual re: it never being the owner of the parked car's fault if their car is hit. Are there ANY legal exceptions to this? I was going up an angled parking structure and a large/long 4x4 truck was parked in the parking space next to the cement column (going up the ramp to the right on the first turn into the structure). He was cited for his car being at least 2 feet over his parking stall. This caused a huge blind-spot. When I was slowly manuevering my car around his car & up the ramp, another car went down on the other side. I could not see her car at all until I had already turned the corner (around his car). At that point, I could either hit her straight on (by 1' of car on my left/driver side)or slightly swerve my car to avoid hitting her truck  (which I did). Since there was no extra room, this caused a small dent to the truck's bumper and a huge/deep scratch running almost the length of my van. The only way I could have avoided the accident would have been to get out of my car, place orange cones in the opposing traffic lane, and then drive into the other lane. I have lots of pics showing all other cars after me having to cross the middle line (no other option) to get around his truck. I don't think it's fair if I should have to pay, or if my insurance rates should have to go up. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Thank you,

Hi Janice,

You also could have repetedly honked your horn to advice the oncomming traffic that there was a hazard.  You can certainly try to make the argument and try to get some percentage of blame placed on the owner of the truck, however, in my experience, if you hit a stationary object you are generally at fault.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh