Auto Insurance Claims: PIP Claim, accurate answer, e mail

Can an insurance company write at check for the amount of the PIP with out you signing a release form?

**************************FOLLOW UP************************
Hi Kynnda,
Your question was very short and concise.  I replied with a short concise, accurate answer.  Your rating of 8-8-8-8- is totally unfair.
Knowledge - 8 - I gave you the correct answer
Clarity - 8 - There was nothing unclear in my answer
Timeliness - 8 - You were told to expect an answer within 3
                days.  I answered your wuestion within
                3 hours and 15 minutes.
Politeness - 8 - At no time was I impolite.

I respectfully request that you send an e-mail to
[email protected]   Attn: Katie and request that she change your ratings to 10-10-10-10.  This is the only fair way to settle this matter.
If you need a more detailed answer, then please send me a more detailed question and I will provide a more detailed answer.
10-23-17 11:40 AM PST

Hi Kynnda,
No.  The insurance company needs the signed release in order to be able to close their file.
San Francisco Bay Area 10-22-07 1:44 PM PST