QuestionHi my story was that I was driving inside my garage and hit table with sharp edge that was leaning against the wall. It fell over, leaned against my car and I kept driving because I didn't realized that it fell against my car. So I scratched my two doors and the front fender. however I lied to make a claim saying that the table fell by itself and fell over, leaned against my car and scratched it.
I wanted this to be covered under comprehensive not collisonal as I would probrably save on rates. Now that I lied, I feel guilty of lying that I might face some serious consequences. What do you think of this? Would the insurance company know if I would be lying? If so, how bad would this consequence be? How would I go calling my insurance company to say that I made a fraud on my claim?
AnswerHi Michael,
This is a really tough one. You are asking me to soothe your conscience and you didn't mark the question private.
Anyone in the world with a computer can read my answer.
I'm going to have to walk on eggs answering this one.
First, if you never say a word, the odds are 99.9% that the insurance will never question your statement and if they did, there is no way they can possibly prove it didn't happen as you first stated.
If you want to soothe your conscience, call the claims Adjustor and arrange a face-to face-meeting. Tell him that you have been replaying the incident in your mind and there is a REMOTE chance that you tapped the table before it fell onto your car and that you are being straight forward and want him to handle the loss under which ever coverage (comprehensive or collision) that he deems fair.
The odds are extremely strong that he will go ahead and handle it under comprehensive.
Even if he decides to handle it under collision, there should be no repercussions because you approached him voluntarily and made the statement.
Do not, under any circumstances, use the word FRAUD while conversing with him.
I hope this has been of help. Please write again if I can provide more assistance.
San Francisco Bay Area 10-18-07 12:50 AM PST