Auto Insurance Claims: question about my car accident, uninsured motorist insurance, uninsured motorist coverage

My boyfriend was driving my car and failed to stop at a stop sign and another car hit him. He was at fault and my insurance company cancelled my policy and refused to pay for my car when it was reported totalled. Now my insurance agency is saying that i could be charged $500 for uninsured motorist insurance becuase since my boyfriend was driving at the time, there was no valid policy because my policy only covered myself. Is this really true??

Hi Kaitlyn,

I not sure if you explained yourself properly, but I will try to answer.

If your boyfriend did not live with you, then he should be covered. You can loan your car to anyone and they will be covered unless you have what is referred to as a "Stated Driver Only" policy.  If your boyfriend did live with you then he is required to be listed on the policy or there is no coverage if he drives the car.

I do not understand the $500.00 charge for uninsured motorist coverage. Uninsured motorist coverage is incase someone hit you that has no insurance coverage. Further, unless that are in fact paying the claim, since they have cancelled your policy, why would you owe thm anything. I thing you need to get a better explanation of exactly what this $500.00 charge is for and if they are actually paying the claim.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh