Auto Insurance Claims: damages to my car, damages to my car
QuestionI just recently upgraded my policy from liability to collision and comp about 3 days ago. I was going to wash my car at the automatic car wash and hit the side post the left my car with dents and scrapes. i then pulled back out and tried to straighten up to pull back in the automatic car wash and again I hit the left side post with the front end of my car. It was a mess.
My question is do you think my insurance company will pay to have my car fixed when I just upgraded my policy 3 days before the accident? I have a $250 deductible for collision and $500 deductible for comprehensive.
AnswerThey will cover, so long as you can show the date where this happened. The car wash could have a video of the situation. Also, you may have a record of when you paid to have the car washed.
It looks like a collision. This is not an act of God or a hit with an animal.
Good Luck