I am a self-employed female who runs a small residential cleaning service. On 6/20/07 my employee and I were enroute to our first house of the day when we were rear-ended at a stop -light and knocked into the vehicle ahead of us. We both left the accident scene via ambulance and were treated and released from the local E.R. We both suffered injuries to our lower backs and necks. My employee was off work for for four weeks and I still am only advised by my physical therapist to work light duty (non existent in residential cleaning) three days per week and one house per day or as tolerable. I was not given even this go ahead until three weeks ago. I have only the one sub-contract employee and myself. Prior to the auto accident she and I cleaned three homes per day five days per week. My lost income to date is in excess of $18.000.00 and my medical bills are approximately $5,000.00. I am still in physical therapy and my primary care doctor just ordered two MRI's for cervical spine and thoracic due to some nagging symptoms that still persist and really hamper my ability to assume my usual schedule. I am experiencing some impingement problems in my right shoulder and still have some problems with vertigo. In 2005 I had Lumbar spine MRI and it was determined that I have degenerative disk disorder, some stenosis in the spinal canal as well as some bulging and herniated disk problems. I had no known troubles with my cervical spine and was able to maintain my strenuous work schedule prior to this accident. The driver at fault (and cited at the scene has Bodily Injury Limits of 20,000.00.
Obviously, her insurance will barely cover my lost income to date, not even considering my medical nor pain and suffering and loss of business. ( two clients have already replaced our service with another company)I am quickly going broke and wiping out my savings. I need to start settlement although I am still undergoing treatment. I need advice. Where do I start? Do I submit my demand letter to the driver at faults insurance company, or do I start with my own insurance company? I do have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage under my own policy with a limit of 100,00.00. I know that a B.I.U.M. claim was already opened under my policy when my PIP coverage was exhausted by lost income for the dates of Jun.20-July 2,2007. Financial hardship is really taking it' toll. I need to get started on the settlement procedure. If I start with the other insurance company, do I copy the package and forward to my insurance company? I am not getting a lot of assistance nor advise from my B.I.U.M. adjuster and the other company's adjuster is telling me that she has nothing to discuss with me until my treatment is completed. I do not have an attorney and would prefer to settle this on my own since I need to expedite and avoid financial ruin. I joined, but I cannot find answers to all the above scenarios. I would greatly appreciate any advise you could provide.
Thank you and I LONG for your response!
AnswerDear Donna,
Thank you for joining www.SettlementCentral.Com. The answers to your personal injury UIM and policy limits questions are available to you in the members' section.
And, remember, if there is anything that we do not yet have on site, your guarantee at www.SettlementCentral.Com is that we will create that information or that form or letter example for you at no additional charge whatsoever.
What I would suggest is to write to me at the "contact us" link at SettlementCentral.Com and identify yourself as a member and then they will send your inquiry to my private e-mail and I can best respond to you there, using the links to various member side pages.
I will give a higher priority to your inquiry inasmuch as it appears you are undergoing a hardship due to the accident.
Best wishes,
Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)
Hi Donna,
I have not received any e-mail from you at our site. If you are a member of SettlementCentral.Com you are entitled to priority response and assistance.
Please go to SCC and hit the "contact us" button and make sure that you mention that you are the member from and that way your message will be sent to me.
Best wishes,
Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)