QuestionUnit 1 vehicle was traveling eastbound, while unit 2 (my car) was traveling southbound. Unit 1 struck unit 2 a unit 2 was exiting the intersection. Unit 1 and Unit 2 stated they had the green light. No reported injuries.
Now both parties had witnesses (the other party's witnesses did now what happenned, but she support the other party with unknown reasons). Both party's insurance companies said to deny the claims. What should I do next?
The other party's insurance company ask me for contact information of my witnesses. Should I provide the information? My loss os about $3500 for the car.
AnswerHi Jiashi,
Yes. If you want the other side to consider your wittnesses statement, you have to provide the information.
If after the witnesses give a statement, they still deny the claim, you may have to file a law suit and let a judge decide who is at fault.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh