Auto Insurance Claims: insurance rates, deferral program, best guess
QuestionI was involved in an accident and I'm the person at fault. Anyway, I'm not sure if my question is a little off-topic but I'm not sure who else could effectively field it. I'd appreciate your best effort. I was ticketed and the officer said that ticket will go away after a 1 year probationary period if I enroll in the town's deferral program and that will prevent a point being added to my license for insurance purposes. I have a clean record and i'm entering my middle 20s now so I expect my rates will only go down in the next few years provided a keep a clean driving record. The deferral program costs almost $200 to get the ticket expunged from my record. Considering the amount one point on my record would add to my rates, is the $200 even worth spending to expunge the point or would I be better off just paying the ticket and slightly higher rates for the time being? I know you don' tknow my exact rates and such particulars, but your best guess would be appreciated. Thanks
AnswerHi Paul,
It is usually in your best intsrest, when presented with an opportunity to reduce points to do so. Even in your mid 20s the potential increase in premium could be greater that $200.00 and the increase would be there for 3 years.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh