Question2-18-06 11:00pm icy country roads, teens cars parked along & stopped in middle of road bottom of hill. We, on desent, successfully avoided hitting anyone in or out of their vehicles but lost control in the process & flipped our vehicle. OHP(Okla.)determined not our fault. Driver broken collar bone and severe nerve damage desparately needing surgery & unable to work.
Our Ins. Co. still stalling.
AnswerHi Tess,
Sorry to hear of your problems, Tess. You need help ASAP, so I would go to an attorney. We do have self help personal injury insurance claim settlements at But in your case, this situation is beyond what you can do for yourself.
Allstate has incurred a ton of bad faith claims and according to the Internet stories, AllState has screwed its own insureds the worst.
You can surely notify your state insurance commissioner and file a complaint. But it sounds like AllState is not going to budge over a simple thing like an insurance commissioner.
Hence, get a hold of an experienced trial attorney and go kick the butt of that arrogant company! I hope you get better soon. Don't give up. If you cannot find anyone to help, notify me again.
Best wishes,
Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)