Auto Insurance Claims: SOMEONE BROKE INTO MY CAR, panasonic dvd player, dash board

Yesterday when I was at work, someone broke into my car.  I have comprehensive, but what is going to happen with my aftermarket parts?

I recently installed a 7" Panasonic DVD Player in my vehicle, stupidly, I do not have an security system installed.  Yesterday, while at work, my vehicle was broken into, yet they pried by dash trying to take out my DVD Player, although they cut the wires to the DVD Player, they did not take the DVD Player.  They broke my Windshield and shattered my Driver Side Window.  Will the insurance pay out so I can get my aftermarket parts replace, or how does that work?  I've owned a vehicle for nearly 13 years and this was the first time something like this happened to me.  I am not sure what to expect from my insurance company.

Hi Marie,

It is difficult to say how you will be treated. Some insurance companies will cover a certain amount of aftermarket items while others will say if it is not factory installed it's not covered unless it is specifically disclosed and an additional premium is paid.  They will of course cover the broken glass, damage to the dash board and any other damage to the vehicle itself.

If the insurance company tries to deny coverage  for your after market parts ask them to specifically point out where in your policy it says that.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh