Auto Insurance Claims: Multiple Claims, mechanical problem, front bumper

My niece has multiple claims on her car due to damage from three different accidents.  The first claim was a result of someone backing into her car while it was parked and damaging the door.  The second claim is with AAA as a result of damage to the front bumper from towing because of a mechanical problem. Before the first two claims could be resolved she was hit by another vehicle the car was totaled.  
The money she will receive is less then if the prior damage had been fixed.  The damage is to the car was different in each case.  The question is, is she still entitled to collect on the first two claims even though the car was totaled as a result of the last accident?

Hi Robert,

Yes. She is entitled to be paid for each claim, however the last insurance company will deduct the cost of repairs from the 1st 2 accidents for the unrepaired damage. So the net result will be about the same.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh