Auto Insurance Claims: Are auto accident injuries considered covered by health insurance after the final settlement, auto accident injuries, private health insurance

My son, 16 years old, was in a roll over car accident.  All the boys walked away but my son suffered a torn retina and lost his 4 front teeth.  The retina is repaired and he will get implants.  

The Auto insurance company is offering a settlement but the adjuster implied that going forward, my son's medical will be covered by his private health insurance.  Would that be true?

Hi Kate,

This can be very tricky.  If you are dealing with an at-fault parties insurance company, you should include an amount for future medicl expenses in the settlement. If you are dealing with your own insurance, there may be limitations on how much you can collect according to your policy.  It it is someone elses insurance, you should be looking at a settlement that is 4 to 7 times the amount of the total medical bills so far. You may want to consult with an attorney before you accept any settlement.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh