Auto Insurance Claims: Accident with no police report, blue book value, insurance data
QuestionI have a learner's permit and was driving my friends car to practice (she was in it), when I accidentally hit a car in a parking lot. The owner was there. It was barely a scratch. My friend gave her all her insurance data, but no police report was filed. She sent us later a bill for 427 dollars, when the blue book value of the car is 600 dollars. Can she file a claim with the insurance if there is no police report, even if she has all my friends data? How would you advice to proceed?
AnswerHi Natalia,
Yes they can file the claim without a police report.
You should just pay the amount out of pocket. If yopu make a claim on your friends policy they may deny it since you were driving illegally without a licensed driver in the car with you. If they do pay the claim, they will increase your friends premiums for the next 3 years or may not renew her policy. The best thing is to just pay it. But remember, do not pay any money until and unless you get the other person to sign a full release form. That way they can not com back for more money later.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh