Auto Insurance Claims: Need Repairs - No Police Report, police report, insurance company

While I was living overseas, a relative living in my home had an accident with my car. No one else, nor anything else was damaged, except my car. He did not notify the police and my car was towed back to my house. I have now returned and would like to file a claim with my insurer. How should I proceed? What considerations are important or should I try to pay for the repairs on my own given the circumstances

Hi Abena,

If the relative who wrecked your car was listed on your policy then just go ahead and make a claim.  If they were not on the policy then you should pay the repairs yourself. The reason is that in most cases it is a requirement that everyone in your household be listed on the policy. If not the insurance company can void your policy, return your premium and refuse to insure you again.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh