Auto Insurance Claims: insurance adjuster, state insurance commissioners, squeeky wheel

QUESTION: I was wondering what is the average or "accepable" length of time to wait for the insurance adjuster to come and inspect your car once the shop has called him?

ANSWER: Hi Donna,

If the claim was just reported and is still under investigation, the insurance company has 30 days to complete there investigation and then either pay or deny the claim. It generally does not take that long however. If the shop is call for a supplement to an original estimate, I have seen it take up to 10 days for the adjuster to come out.

The best thing I can tell you is to call the adjuster 3 times per day until he/she gets to the shop. Yell, scream, threaten to call his/her manager, etc.. The squeeky wheel get the grease.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Hixenbaugh,  I reported a claim and the adjuster took 9 days to come and inspect the car.  The shop called for a re-inspection and after a week the adjuster hadn't showed up and since my 30 days of rental coverage was up the shop owner said he would just take a loss on the few additional items rather than wait for the adjuster to approve them.  Now I find my car's a/c was also damaged in the accident.  Again the adjuster took 7 days to come inspect the car and agreed it was a suplimental claim caused by the accident.  However my insurance company now says I have to pay for a rental because I used my 30 days coverage.  Since they didn't repair the car properly the first time and the adjuster has wasted so much of my 30 days coverage making the shop wait for him to show up can I fight this?  Thanks so much for your help!!  Donna

Hi Donna,

I'm sorry all this is happening. About the only thing you can do it to file a formal complaint with your state insurance commissioners office. You should site that your rental coverage was exhausted because of the insurance companies unreasonable delays in handling the claim.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh