Auto Insurance Claims: insurance question, insurance question, claim adjuster
QuestionI was involved in a car accident Wednesday morning (CA) while dropping my landlord off at the airport. I was driving in the left of two lanes when I was suddenly struck hard from behind on the passenger side. I pulled to the side of the roadway and the police were called. Police arrived and had us exchange insurance information. No report was taken and no tickets were given.
Here lies my problem: I let my insurance lapse. When the officer asked I gave him my old policy information as current. I called Geico as soon as I got home and paid to have it reinstated but will they still cover me? Do I go through Geico for a claim or her insurance?
From the damage to my vehicle alone it's obvious that she was at-fault. However, since I was uninsured at the time will her insurance try and deny liability? How do I prove she was at-fault?
Thank you so much for help, much appreciated!!
AnswerHi T.B.,
You should make the claim to the at fault persons insurance. It will not matter if your insurance was lapsed. The police report should provide an indication of who was at fault. In addition, you will have an opportunity to tell your story to the claim adjuster.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixnebaugh