Auto Insurance Claims: accident claim, subrogation claim, accident claim

QUESTION: We got a letter from an insurance company stating that our daughter's car was involved in an accident with their clients car ,there was no police report filed and their client provided them with an license plate number. They sent us a letter stating that we owed them 1500 dollars and it is a subrogation claim and that we were the owners of the car at the time. How can they prove it was her car? How can they prove it even happened?
ANSWER: Did it happen?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No , dah!!!!!!!!!!some help you are!!!!

Well Tammy, you did not say if she did it or not.  You only asked how they could prove it.

It's their word against hers. It's not common for a person to just pick out a license plate number at random and especially rare that that number would match a certain vehicle type.  Your insurance company should be contacted to properly defend your daughter.  They will need to see the car and conduct their own investigation.  If the other insurance company cannot prove their case, then they won't collect.  If there is no damage on the vehicle in the area of question, then your insurer may deny the claim.  If there is damage, then they should pay it.  If there is another witness, then that will have a bearing as well.

Good luck.