Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Insurance Claim, claims advice, claim help

Hello there!

I was involved in a motor vehicle accident involving three cars, the person found at fault fled the scene, my HMO paid for the ambulance bill but now they sent me a questionnaire asking me about details of the accident because they say they can get reimbursement from my own car insurance or other party, since the person at fault is considered hit and run, can my HMO take money from my Underinsured Bodily Injury? I dont think it is fair that I will have to ended up paying my own HMO for my medical bills. I live in the state of California and I dont know if subrogation is applicable in this case...thank you

 Hello Bella,

Your HMO is correct.  Coverages can become primary over each other.  This means that both could ultimately pay, but the one with primary coverage pays first.  In the case of an auto accident, your auto insurance coverage is primary, meaning that your benefits would need to exhaust before the HMO takes over.

This is standard.  And, yes, subrogation is legal in all states to my knowledge.

I wish you well,

Jane Pytel