Auto Insurance Claims: how its determined by the insurence company whos at fault, company adjuster, witness statements

i was involved in an accident where a cop was a witness to the accident  and the other guy got his ticket reduced from a careless driving to failing to yield traffic . In my opinion and the cop it was clearly his fault as he should have waited at the stop sign until i turn left into a side street since i stopped around 2 seconds before him . My question is if the insurance company adjuster can find me at fault even though i have a strong witness who is a cop and the other driver apologized to me before the cop as well as he has my paint from my bumper on his bumper indicating that he hit me?

Hi Bart,

Determining who is at fault will be based on the facts of the accident, who was ticketed as well as any witness statements.  The fact the the other driver got his ticket reduced does not matter because he still got a ticket.

You should be just fine.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh