Auto Insurance Claims: I was rear ended & need help, usaa insurance company, soft tissue damage
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I wrote a few months back to get advice on what to expect during a injury claim. I was rear ended on 10/19/2006 on my way to work. It damage was minor but shortly after I had stiffness in my neck and shoulders. I went to an urgent care office and made a police report. The doctor at the urgent care told me to get physical therapy but I thought it would go away in time do to the fact that I am a healthy 23 year old woman. In the next month or so it was getting worse. I have been going to therapy since 12/13/2006 when I was told that I had whip lash & soft tissue damage. I started 3 times a week and just last month was down to 2. Last week my doctor referred me to a pain management doctor that also said I had whip lash and should continue with the therapy. All the while I have cooperated with USAA Insurance company by recorded phone calls & face to face meetings. I received a itemized break down from my therapy office showing treatment and cost up to this point about $5,000. Just last night I received a letter from USAA offering me a injury settlement of $237.00! The adjuster is telling me this is there final offer & went on to tell me that she herself has been rear ended 2 times in a month and had no injury... thats her, not me! I very scared that I will be left with all this dept, and I don't know what to do. Please let me know if I can fight this. I have been told by several people & even last time I wrote here that in most cases I would receive all the medical paid & 2 times more for pain & suffering. I work for Farmers Insurance myself and this is so frustrating! Thank you so much for your help. Please get back to me as soon as you can.
Regards, Lindsay
ANSWER: Hi Lindsay,
This is typical for most insurance companies. They are just trying to get out cheap.
You should immediately start contacting attornies. With an attorney representing you, the insurance company will be more likely to provide reasonable compensation.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you. I have spoke with an attorney and I will be meeting with him, but he said with these "low impact" collisions this is what the insurance companies are doing. What do you think about writing the Department of Insurance? Do you think that would help?
AnswerHi Lindsay,
Contacting the insurance department would not help. They are only able to help in situation where an insurance company is breaking insurance laws or regulations. In this case they are simply trying to negotiate the claim to their advantage, which they are allowed to do.
I think you should interview more attornies. You need to find someone that is a pit bull, who will stay in the fight and do the best job possible for you.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh