Auto Insurance Claims: Will my deductible go up for a non-liability claim, 2006 honda ridgeline, rear quarter panel

Recently, I noticed my right rear quarter panel of my 2006 Honda Ridgeline has an indention on the body line on the upper part of the quarter panel.  It can't be from a parked car as no door would impact that high.  I park daily in a parking garage, company subsidized.  The are contractors that use the same parking lot so I can only theorize that something long, that was veritical, fell on the quarter panel causing the vertical damage to the upper part...  Estimates are showing $700-$900 for the repair...  My deductible is $500.  Question is, if I make a claim and the only thing I have that substantiates the damage is a report from building security, would my insurance premiums go up?  Also, is it worth it or should I just fork out the money to repair on my own?

Hi Rob,

Regardless of the cause, if you make a claim it will likey cause your premiums to increase unless there is a known specific at-fault person that the insurance company can go after to get back the money they paid out. You should call your agent and ask a hypothetical question. How much would your premiums increase if you made a small claim. Also, remember that if the damage will only cost $700.00 and you have a $500.00 deductible, the insurance company will only send you a check for $200.00. So you have to decide if the premium increase over the next 3 years will be more than the check you would receive.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh