Auto Insurance Claims: insurance payout, insurance payout, auto accident
QuestionHey... i have recently been in an auto accident where i was not at fault. The guy had insurance and they (acceptance) are wanting me to send in two estimates. I have the estimates ready to send in but i have 2 questions. First, since he only put a dent in my car I have other things in my life that are more important for me to pay right now like bills, loans, etc. I was wondering if they are gonna write me a check, or the body shop & if i get the money do i HAVE to spend it on getting the small ding in my car fixed? And how long does it generally take for them to send the Money after you send in the estimates. I have looked everywhere and cant find a solid answer. PLease help. Thanks.
AnswerHi Jodie,
You should tell them that although you have submitted the 2 estimates, you have not decided which shop to use and that they should nmake the check payable only to you. You should receive the check within about 7 to 10 days.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh