I got into a car accident with my financed car and the insurance co sent me to a body shop of their choice to get an estimate. THe shop estimated cost to fix the car at $2500. My deductible is $500. I found a different shop that will fix it for $750.
Is it against any kind of insurance law to get the car fixed for the $750 and pocket the balance?
AnswerNo shop is going to do a $2,500 repair for $750. Yes, what you are considering will violate the law. By law, a body shop must complete the estimate exactly as it is written. Anything less is insurance fraud and is a felony in most states. If you end up pocketing the difference, both you and the shop owner are guilty of this crime.
What really sickens me is that you would need to ask me this question. If you have to ask if it's illegal, then you obviously already know that it's not the right thing to do, right?Did your parents not teach you the difference between right and wrong? Shouldn't this be, like, a no brainer? What is up with people nowadays?
If you'd like to give me negative feedback for my response, I'll be happy to publish that along with your question and my answer.