Auto Insurance Claims: accident at an intersection, state insurance commissioners, other vehicles
QuestionMy son was involved in an accident with two other vehicles. He was travelling westbound on a road that has a 55 mph speed limit. He was doing approx. 45-50 and the airbag did not deploy at the time of impact. The vwhicle traveling northbound proceeded to go through the intersection and stated she did not see him coming. Her vehicle was struch in the passengers back tail light by my sons front right passenger headlight. This impact inturned send her car in to a car waiting at the stop sign facing south. She admitted to everone involved that it was her fault( including the police office) The office stated on the report that her vehicle is responsible for the accident(failure to yield the right of way). We both have the same insurance Geico, and the adjusters are trying to say my son is 25% responsible for the accident. I was told that the adjuster is being pretty addiment about this 25%. we were offered the option of filing under our policy , pay the deductible and get the car fixed. This sounds great but what about re cooping the loss afterward, and will my ins premium be increased? If everyone says its not his fault he was traveling down the road made a responable effort to stop( skid marks) why is the ins. company trying to make him liable as well. Any help would be appreciated greatly.
AnswerHi Christine,
The insurance company is simply trying to steal your money. By making you sone 25% at fault they will be able to raise the premiums of the other driver and your son for the next 3 years. Do not let them do this. You should fight hard not to accept this. You may even file a complaint with your state insurance commissioners office.
I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh