Auto Insurance Claims: Rental Car Reimbursement, state insurance commissioner, rental car reimbursement

O.K. Thanks for your quick reply, however the information regarding the reimbursement came from one of your representatives. Please read the following:
Dear Renee,

This is WAY TOO LONG to wait for a settlement of your claim.  You
should be entitled to transportation for some part of this wait.

What is happening is that this claim is under investigation for fraud.  
Something about the incident, the way it was reported, your credit
report history, or the condition of the vehicle when found has triggered an
alert for fraud within your company.

They can ask you to give a statement under oath, or they can even ask
to subject you to an examination under oath--called a deposition.

Thus, you will want to be very careful in what you tell their
investigators.  Make sure you speak with accuracy and do not exaggerate of make
assumptions in your statements.

But for right now, I would go on the offensive.  I would contact your
state insurance commissioner  
ASAP and find out what the standards are for adjusting such a claim.

I would also find out how much transportation allowance you are
entitled to.  You get the rental car allowance whether or not you actually
used a rental car.  

As for their valuation in totaling the car, be sure to do your own
homework by checking with local dealers, newspapers, car sales magazines
for the region, and online at and

Remember that the little cute computer print out that your adjuster is
going to use to support his valuation IS NO MORE ACCURATE THAN YOUR

In fact, those valuation services have been sued for just interpolating
values when there were no real sales in an area.

Also remember that what you find listed is not the sales price, but the
asking price.  So your actual cash value may be less.

Here is a page with information on getting value for your add-ons.

Don't forget to claim any personal property lost in the theft.  

Also, know that you get extra for the unexpired license fee, and for
any new tires and equipment added to the car. Of course you do not get
anywhere near the full cost of such assets, but you do get the same
amount as the market place would have given for that asset.  For example, a
new set of tires at $360 dollars, with only 4,000 miles wear on them,
should bring some increase in the market place.  Perhaps only $100 to
$150, but still that is something you can build on for added actual cash
value.  Think of other work that you did that could add value to the
car in the market place.

One last thing, Renee.  If you want to explore keeping your ride and
fixing it yourself with used and/or NON-OEM parts, let me know with
another question and I will give you some suggestions on how to buy back
your ride and fix it and re-license it and still come out ahead.

Best wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)

The text above is a follow-up to ...

I am in process of having my stolen vehicle claim processed, however I did not utilize the rental car portion of my insurance. Am I intitled to reimbursement if it was not used?
I wouldn't think so based on knowledge of what i've seen.

Every state, company and policy are different so other than asking you what your policy says, there is no other answer that I can give you.

Good luck!

My representatives??

The response above came from someone representing a legal services website.  They are posing as a volunteer and saying anything to get people to buy legal services.

I am a pure volunteer with no agenda or services to sell.

If you will actually read what was written by Dr. Settlement though the answer to the question that you posed to me is not there.  Dr. Settlement only states that you are entitled to transportation which you yourself have already stated that you declined to use.  It does not say that the insurance company owes you any money for your decision not to use your rental coverage.

That was the only thing that you asked me about.  You did not ask me any questions about vehicle values or the time that is taking for the settlement.  Here is a copy of your question: "I am in process of having my stolen vehicle claim processed, however I did not utilize the rental car portion of my insurance. Am I intitled to reimbursement if it was not used?"

Lets be fair here, ok?  Otherwise, volunteers like myself will just sign off.