Auto Insurance Claims: best alternative to purchase auto insurance, own insurance, daughter age

my daughter (age 21) will be getting married soon and I plan to give her and her husband (age 23) a car. The couple will be living in NJ (I live in Brooklyn, NY). Would it be cheaper in the long run to have the new car in my name and have the couple as designated drivers or to have them register the car on their name and insure it separately from my other (two) cars?

Hi David,

Congratulations on the marriage of your daughter. That is a wonderful gift you are giving.  It would be best for them to put the vehicle in their own name and to have their own insurance.  This will not only help them to have pride of ownership and responsibility, but it will also keep you from being held personally liable if an accident should occur.  In addition, the insurance will likely be less expensive in New Jersey than in Brooklyn.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh