Auto Insurance Claims: Other driver lied in police report, skid marks, police report
I was driving in the middle lane of a 4 lane road and was hit by a 16 year old driver darting out a parking lot . I just got the police report. The teenager admitted to the policeman that he hit me. But claimed that I was "flying." In actuality I was going under the speed limit.
In the police report, the policeman wrote that there were no skid marks at the accident. The policemen also filled out a section of the report citing the teenager verbally for failure to give right of way.
No one was hurt in the accident. My bumper is bent in, and my parking light broken. The estimate is for about $1,000 of damager. I wasn't speeding; there's no evidence or indication that I was speeding. I filed a claim with the teenager's insurance company. Will they try to get out of paying me 100% of the damages because the teenager said that I was "flying?"
I wouldn't worry much about them trying to use their insured's statement as any kind of defense. The only thing that can be proven is that he failed to yield.
The fact that you're car only has $1,000 worth of damage tells me that you were not "flying"...
Good luck!