QuestionHi Justin;
I was recently rear ended..the accident happen in Washington state and the driver had Progressive insurance coverage. The other driver was in a Pontiac Vibe a fairly small car, while I was in a Honda Pilot SUV. I was stopped, getting ready to make a left turn and she just kept driving, never even slowed down. The damages to my vehicle have been estimated at $1600. I have a super hitch on the back and that took most of the damage. I called 911 they would not respond to the accident since no one required an ambulance. Later that day I went to my primary doctor for neck and back pain and was treated with pain killers and anti inflammatories. The doctor recommended physical therapy and or chiropractic care. I have heard that people who seek chiropractic care receive less of a settlement that others who seek physical this true? Is one better than the other? Secondly, my family is recommending that I just get a lawyer automatically to handle this. I have made an appointment to seek chiropractic care. However I am a by nature a tuff person, pain is just part of life attitude, I have to much going on to stop and worry about myself. My family has been telling me that this should be different and that I deserve to be compensated. Should I just seek more medical care and wait to see the severaity of my injuries before consulting an attorney or just do it right off the bat? I am just really try to digest how to proceed, so I have the best outcome...I appreciate any advice. Thank you
I can see both sides of the fence on your question. Having so much experience in this type of thing, I will say that if you have the "tough person" attitude, it is not likely you will be able to find an attorney to represent you well. You have to be mad that you were damaged and passionate about getting justice served. If you are even slightly apathetic and have questions as to what kind of treatment to get, then my suggestion is to forget about it because the process will not be natural or easy for you.
As an adjuster, I always would ask people what they would do if they knew there was no insurance available. If you need treatment, get treatment, period. I fight for what is right, regardless, so I would likely get the treatment I needed, then I would relentlessly pursue Progressive for every penny they owed me. They are not known for making "gracious" offers. It is likely that you will have to show some teeth to get fair treatment, but depending on the adjuster you get, I could be totally wrong. Based on your question, I would read you as needing an attorney, but also can see how you might be tough enough to put a credible threat in front of Progressive without an attorney. Small claims court is a little known trick (if you have an expert to silently help you through the process).
If you want a candid discussion and more input on the matter, feel free to contact my office directly. I tell it like it is, and nobody get's one over on me.