Auto Insurance Claims: Commercial Auto Claim, physical damage coverage, auto claim

.  I believe when you have an accident with a government entity (like the police) you cannot make a claim against them (for most circumstances) you go to your own carrier for the physical damage coverage etc. and your carrier treats the claim as a non-chargeable accident on your record.  The township, then reimburses you for the deductible on your policy.

I need to know if this is accurate and what are the parameters, etc.

2.  I need to know if The Port Authority is considered one of these types of entites.

HI Ann,

To the best of my knowledge, a municipality or government agency is just as liable as anyone else for auto collision damage. I have handled many claims of this type and they pay like any insurance company would. They have risk departments or they subcontract that function to a 3rd party administrator.

I would contact the agency directly and ask for the department that handles these things. Keep in mind though, like anything else that is run by government, the process will be highly inefficient, ineffective, uncaring and is likely run by under-paid, un-educated personell who will do everything in their power to make you as angry as they possibly can.

With that in mind, you would be better off to file the claim with your own insurance carrier and let them fight to get their money back.

I hope this helps.
Richard Hixenbaugh