Auto Insurance Claims: Claim payment check, issue checks, insurance company


I recieved a claim payment check made out to me and the lender. I'm going Tues. to have them endorse it. I want to know if the insurance company will send a copy of the estimate to the bank or if I have to bring it with me. When I called the insurance company they told me that the bank will call them to verify the check, what exactly does this mean? Thanks.


The insurance company has to make the check out to you and the lender or they can make it out to you and a body shop but in any event if your lender will endorse it I don't know.  I also am not sure if they will require an estimate but it would not hurt for you to bring it as your insurance company will not automatically send a copy.  Sometimes banks have to call the insurance company to verify the check because insurance companies do not issue checks they issue drafts which are a little different.