Auto Insurance Claims: No car insurance, juris doctor, sr22 filing

Hi there,
I had an accident on university property while driving a vehicle with no insurance. In trying to avoid collision, I hit the parking kiosk and broke the side of it. The university security took down my information - can they check and charge me with not having insurance for my car since they are security officers? They are aware that I am willing to pay for damages myself.


Dear Sara,

Do you have any insurance on your own car?  If so, report the accident to your own company since it will cover you when driving another car.

On the other hand, if neither the car nor you had insurance, then you are correct: most states do have a provision whereby the department of licensing can suspend the license of someone involved in an accident with no insurance.  They make one also post financial responsibility for the future and make what is called a SR22 filing for insurance (which, by the way, ususually does cost more).

Soooooo. . . .I think you are on the RIGHT TRACK.  Show your good faith by contacting them again and asking when you can pay and assuring them you will come forward with the money.  AND, ALSO LET THEM KNOW YOU NOW HAVE BOUGHT INSURANCE.  

That alone would also help a bit since as government police employees, they might also want to see that you are headed in the right direction.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)