QuestionI was recently involved in a car accident where the driver hit me from behind-- my car had a two unnoticeable scraps by the plates and it now shakes a bit when I accelerate past 60 miles per hour-- The other driver's insurance has claimed liability.. am I obligated to use the funds to repair the small dents? please advise
Dear Temitayo,
The tortfeasor's insurance will pay you the estimate for repair of your damages. You MUST repair the shaking inasmuch as that is a safety issue. It is just a good idea to take care of all safety problems.
But as to the dents, that is totally your choice, and you can take the money and spend it.
You should work with the adjuster to have the check made out to you. Or have an understanding with the auto body shop manger that you will do only the shaking and he will cut you a check for the estimate to repair the dents.
Don't forget to keep attuned to your body inasmuch as an impact hard enough to cause your car to shake probably also brought sufficient trauma to your body to casuse soft tissue injuries. You can learn about handling bodily injury claims at my website. Settle Your Injury Claim: Do It Yourself
Best wishes,
Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)