Auto Insurance Claims: checks, accident histories, secret hiding place

is it possible to check if a car i bought has been involved in any accidents


Dear Anthony,

As to "ANY ACCIDENTS", the answer is NO.  As to serious accidents, the answer is MAYBE.  Read on.

Maybe our insurance adjuster friends can help us on this one if they know a secret hiding place for car accident histories, but I sure don't.

I think the insurance industry as a whole may have data base for serious accidents, but how they define that and what is in it you and I will never know.

BUT, if a car has been involved in a serious accident, there is a reasonable probability that either of the following sites could have picked that fact up.  

Point your browser to the following sites and check them out.  They want some payment, but it could be a wise investment.

Take a look at the really through check out sheet provided for you to inspect a car on the site.

You are smart to check this stuff out, but another way to protect yourself is to demand a disclosure statement from the seller.  Make a format in which the seller has to list all of the known defects of the vehicle and also to disclose each accident he knows about and the major parts repaired and the total cost of the repairs.  Have him sign it.  

Thus, if it turns out he lied, you have an action for misrepresentation at the least.  If you really want to be forceful, add this language.

This purchase and sale is based upon facts stated in the forgoing disclosure statement.

Should it become necessary for either side to hire an attorney because of alleged misrepresentation herein, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs.

Hey, if he has nothing to hide, make him fill out a disclosure statement.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)