Auto Insurance Claims: auto accident, attorney commercials, accident 2

2  questions...1.i backed into a parked car.we both contact our insurance.our insurance pays for our car and their that 2 claims against us since it was my fault?would it have only been one if i would have fixed my own car?     2.a car backed into my parked car.police report filed then woman called me and gave me tele number to contact her insurance.i didnt contact my insurance as dont want it to go up even if not my fault..should i contact her insurance?should i give them my insurance info?will my insurance go up? thanks deborah


Dear Deborah,

I am going to shop for you to get a big blow-up bumper set to put around your car next time you venture into the wild world of parking lots!

AS FOR ACCIDENT #1, you had three choices.  
1.   you could notify both companies: problem is that you will get tagged with an "at-fault" accident,  Rates will go up for three years.  Yes, since this is your at-fault accident, you will likely suffer additionally for using your own comprehensive.

2.   you could notify your company and let them pay for her damages, but you do your own repairs yourself if not too expensive.

3.   you could get her to take her car to two body shops and pay for her repairs, if minor enough.  You also pay for the repairs to your own car.  You save on rate increases over the three years the insurance company can penalize you.

AS FOR THE CURRENT ACCIDENT, you call their insurance and open the claim and they will pay, since she has admitted liability.  NO, I would not give them your insurance information.  Why is it relevant, other than the fact that their form does have a block that the adjusters are asked to complete on penalty of having to listen to trial attorney commercials if they leave it blank?

Get her to commit that she will not contact your company and make her beg for the information, but in the end, go ahead and give it to her.  She IS NOT GOING TO CALL YOUR COMPANY and tattle on you.

No, your company CANNOT raise your rates for the second accident.  Call your State Insurance Commissioner and complain.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D. (Juris Doctor)