Auto Insurance Claims: Auto accicdent, No Insurance, wrong place at the wrong time, accident report

Yesterday I got involved in a 3-car accident. Being the 1st car at fault and me just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I have the accident report, and it states that the driver at fault does have insurance, but I don't have insurance. Can the driver at fault still be held liable for the expenses to my vehicle even though I didn't have insurance?  

Hi Diana,

You will have to provide me more information in order to answer your question.

Who is at fault here?  The first words of the second sentence state that YOU were at fault.  Then, in the third and fourth sentences you seem to imply that another vehicle is at fault. Please let me know who it is.

Also you are asking about some "expenses" to be paid to you.  Are these strictly for repair to your vehilce or what kind of expenses are you thinking about?  

If you have injury, you will have to tell me your state so I can know whether or not the insurance industry hoodwinked your legislature and passed a "no-fault" anti-consumer bill.

Just go ahead and shoot me those answers, and I will promptly respond.

Best Wishes,

Dr. Settlement, J.D.